Wait Until 8th’s App Game Plan


Our game plan includes six strategies:

  1. Disable your child’s ability to download and delete apps from the app store in the settings of your child’s phone. Learn how to disable app downloading and deleting here and get up to speed on what your child has downloaded already.

  2. Always research the app before allowing your child on the field.

  3. At a bare minimum, adhere to the age recommendation provided in the the app review.

  4. Talk to your child about the app’s potential challenges and risks. Discuss how your team will keep the app in check.

  5. Start with one app at a time. New players to social media especially need to demonstrate maturity before downloading additional platforms. Granting access to Snapchat and Instagram at the same time will be too much for you and your player.

  6. Monitor how your child is using the app. Don’t hesitate to suspend the app if your child is struggling with it. Enlist Bark if you need help monitoring. Bark monitors texts, email, YouTube, and 24+ social media platforms for signs of potential issues.

playbooks to Popular Apps

Our parent playbooks will inform and equip your family to tackle the most popular apps in your child’s digital arena. To prepare our players, we must stay up to date on the trendiest apps. Family huddles are essential to dive deep into the app’s challenges and potential dangers. These Playbooks will train your team to use the app safely, appropriately, and moderately.

App reviews

Here are the most most popular social media, video, photo, lifestyle, and gaming apps used by kids today. Follow the links to Common Sense Media and Protect Young Eye's reviews to learn more about each app's age appropriateness and potential areas of concern.